Thursday, May 24, 2007

Everything you want

Current Mood: serene*

Current Music: ' William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet' OST. Baz Luhrmann sounds eclectico

Feel like: tapdancing

A post just about two years ago, sums it up best.

Life beckons.

* this blogging style brought to you by innumerable LiveJournal writers. Works well for now as posts make their way through drafts and re-drafts.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I'm pretty sure my blog is feeling neglected right now. The right navigation bar has a section 'posts worthy of your attention' with pretty much nothing noteworthy for five months. It's been a fallow few months creatively. It's not just my blog though.
I've been sucked up into a lot of activity and suddenly I realize that though I'm giving the usual things enough thought, my opinions, though well-formed are not expressed enough here. A number of books I read have simply gone back to the library or on my bookshelf with no reviews on here. Some amazing music has passed by with no mention here. (That was a deadline I just heard whistling by, now that you mention it).
However, resolutions have been made to change things around on this blog. After a long winter, spring is here. Summer too will be here soon.
To everything, there is a season....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Been there, done that

The small things that you don't do because life sucks you into the routine are the ones that matter the most.

I know native Washington state residents who haven't been up the Space Needle. The same goes for the EMP, IMO a fabulous music experience anyone genuinely passionate about music should visit( not for the exhibits as much as for the 'experience' part of it). 

The nice thing about lists like this one:

is that they're small things that can genuinely make your day (or week, for that matter).

The nicer thing about this list is the fact that I've done most of them.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ahh...for those old times' sakes

Summer of '69. Bryan Adams. Hostel rooms. Late nights. Chai at Shivajinagar station. Submissions.

A special shout-out to AC,AP,Bunty,DSD,GA,VS and VD for those rocking nights (and bleary-eyed days)...